Friday 1 January 2016


UFO stands for “Unidentified Flying Object.refers to a suspected alien spacecraft, although its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena. UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets and whether extraterrestrials have visited Earth. They became a major subject of interest–and the inspiration behind numerous films and books–following the development of rocketry after World War II.

The Term UFOS coined by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt:

The acronym "UFO" was coined by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book, then the USAF's official investigation of UFOs. He wrote, "Obviously the term 'flying saucer' is misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance. For this reason, the military prefers the more general, if less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo-foe) for short." Other phrases that were used officially and that predate the UFO acronym include "flying flapjack", "flying disc", "unexplained flying discs", "unidentifiable object", and "flying saucer".
The phrase "flying saucer" had gained widespread attention after the summer of 1947. On June 24, a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine objects flying in formation near Mount Rainier. Arnold timed the sighting and estimated the speed of discs to be over 1,200 mph (1,931 km/h). At the time, he described the objects' shape as being somewhat disc-like or saucer-like, leading to newspaper accounts of "flying saucers" and "flying discs".
In popular usage, the term UFO came to be used to refer to claims of alien spacecraft. and because of the public and media ridicule associated with the topic, some investigators prefer to use such terms as unidentified aerial phenomenon (or UAP) or anomalous phenomena, as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP).

Interesting facts:
  • There have been many claims of UFO sightings since the 1940’s.
  • Some say a UFO sightings occur somewhere on the planet every three minutes.
  • In 1991, a Roper poll was conducted. The poll said that 4 million people believe they have been abducted by aliens.
  • In 1996, a Gallup poll was conducted which said that 71% of Americans believe that the government knows more about UFOs than there are telling the people.
  • The first documented UFO sighting is in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel described a “great cloud with fire enfolding itself, a wheel in the middle of a wheel that descended and fired lightning bolts into the earth.    
  • Winston Churchill reported a strange airship in Kent, England, Oct. 14, 1912. It was the first case of a UFO being “officially” reported.
  • The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by astronomer Jose Bonilla in Zacatecas, Mexico.

  • UFOs were often seen and photographed during NASA’s space missions in the 1960s.
  • Probably the biggest UFO mystery has to do with The Roswell incident. was the recovery of debris from an object which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947.
Theory of UFO:
These UFO theory articles discuss ways that UFO researchers have tried to shine light on those important questions:
  • Spring Heeled Jack was known not only for his murderous spree but for his otherworldly physical abilities. Some have even proposed that he was alien.
  • Hollow Earth Theory tries to explain where spaceships come from and what their civilizations are like, deep inside the Earth.
  • The Oz Factor is the description for the unique experience of UFO witnesses. Witnesses are most often alone, almost as if transported to another world.
  • An occultist leader in California first came up with the theory of Ether Ships, which have a variety of manifestations, including what we know as UFOs.
  • Research in UFO Psychology explores the nature of the UFO experience from the inside, studying the mental health and behavior of UFO witnesses.
  • In the middle of the 20th century, some UFO theorists posited that flying saucers were actually Space Animals, strange interstellar creatures with properties, unlike our terrestrial creatures.
  • Most UFO reports are shown to be caused by natural phenomena. But sometimes Explaining UFOs isn't so easy.

Sighting Of UFO:

Sighting of UFO in California


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